This is for you shh-thcuu-pittt :)

Wahh dah lama sgt tak update blog hihihi :) Busy lah, org nak SPM katekn, haha xD Waoww title apa tu eh ? 


Dulu, yeah he's a best friend. Masalah smua crita dkt dy. Really undrstnding okay dy ni. Dgn all ceramah nasihat dy smua. Waoww haha. 

The perfect day ends there. Dah lama2 pastu dy dah takd call2 sgt n txt. I was like okay-lah. SPM kan ?

One day, dy txt ckp dy nk more than friend. I was like "WHAT ?!" To me, he's nothing more than just a FRIEND

Starting from that day, his txt2 were like flirting and all == I'm sorry, but we are just FRIENDS.

Dah lama n jarang cntct dy aftr that. Buka wall fb dy mak aii bnyk betul dy flirt dgn prmpuan. I was like Whaaaa-? So this is the real kind of guy he is ?

I explain all of things that crossed my mind to him. Well he denies that he's mainkn pmpn o smthg. 

Okay now 1st n foremost, I hate guys yg mainkn pmpn even I dnt knw sapa pmpn tu. Pantang sgt okayy ==

When I tell him this, he said I was just jealous. Err excuse me ? Jealous ? No way lah ehh :)

Nasib baiklah I didnt trmakan all your sweet talks. But I almost liked you 
hmm. Thank God all these hppen. 

Then tiba2 u marah2, naik angin n terus block I. I sdih sgt cause I've lost a friend. I texted you. No reply. ==

I'm so confused, maybe u tak slh ? maybe ergghh wtv :(

Then u inbox me in fb dgn ayat pnjg gila okay u mmg pndai mengayat. Time masa tu pukul 2am lbih kot. Rasa geram and sdih sgt, takahu nk ngadu kat sapa, so ngadu lah dkt Izzar Putra yg cantik, cun, handsome, comel, menawan, smua dy lah hahahaha. Masa ni tgh im dgn Izzar, so terus crita2, hee.

Really felt btter lps crita dkt dy :)
Mula2 taknak crita, tp Izzar sgt kepoh n BAIK HATI *:P so ceritalah kan.
He really helps a lot :) My tears disappears gitu haha. 

Lpstuh Izzar pun crita mslh dy pulak. Cey sharing is caring gitu aww haha. Dy crita psl ex dy sbb I pun kecoh kepoh nak tahu hehehe :P Jadi bgitulah ye critanya :)

So lastly, me n Izzar dcide nak jd homoseks bahaha. Tapi tak jd sbb Izzar ckp tu tanda2 kiamat. Hhaha. Okay ofcrse ktorg main2 je :)

To girls out there, jgn sng2 lah eh trmakan ayat ayat manis laki, heheh. ;) *But rmember, tak smua laki teruk okay :) Ramai yg baik. Mcm Izzar nih *bluekk :P

*kpd ssiapa yg marah atau terasa, jgnlah ehh. Im just sharing my sad sad story tht really makes me burst into tears. To NI, I hope one day u sedar hmm. Thanks a lot cause sudi jadi my sunshine even fr just a blink of an eye. I appreciate your presence in my life :')

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